Residence Inn | Garden City, New York

GH2 coordinated with the local architectural design review board, jurisdiction and client in Garden City, New York to develop a custom building exterior design for this Residence Inn that was inspired by other significant buildings in the area. This structure blends clean, modern lines with the classic architectural elements of the main building and features a neutral color palette, with dark brown brick and off-white cladding on the lower third of the building. Materials used in the construction of the building include cast stone, masonry and prefinished metal panels. One unique element to this project was the addition of a large porte cochere to the main entrance. The Residence Inn brand that does not typically have a porte cochere, but due to the local climate and weather extremes, the owner asked that one be added to this custom building design. Reflecting the constraints of the site, the porte cochere is cantilevered from a single row of columns to allow two cars to park under the canopy without the need for additional columns in the drive aisle.



Garden City, NY


117,634 sqft

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